October 16, 2010

The Week is Done

This past week has been one of the best at work.  My kiddos were all happy and enjoying school.  Personally, I made a website and went to yoga twice....Good things happening.  I feel light and positive...It's a nice feeling.  On the other side of the coin, Rogie is struggling with some of the same work challenges.  Its hard to not be able to just reach into his life and fix it for him.  So, I am trying to put my own feelings of positivity and optimism for life out there and hope it permeates him.  It did last night for sure...I could feel his tension ease as we walked Norman in the evening. 

I don't think life is ever free and easy like I thought it would eventually become.  Looking back over my twenties, I definitely thought that by the time I had rounded the corner into my early 30's I wouldn't have hard struggles or challenges anymore, that I would have worked all that stuff out and life would just cruise forward.  Oh how wrong I was!  Ha!  With 32, a week from tomorrow I am beginning to re-examine parts of my life and set some new goals for myself...More on that later!

Healthy mind/body goals for the weekend - run twice...Pound the pavement, get a good sweat on, clear my head of all thoughts, and rock out to the music on my pod.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Kate! Your an old lady now! Welcome!! Hope you had a good bday! oxoxox
